Giulio Benatti

"..what is true moves the stone from your tomb...." (2024)

27.6x19.7 in ~ Painting, Acrylic, Collages

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"..quel ch'è vero smuove la pietra dal tuo sepolcro...."
"..what is true moves the stone from your tomb...."
are words from a poem of Ingeborg Bachmann
Was whar ist

acrilic and collage and a Photo from 1930 circa
The paper of the arwork is white!
For me the acting of painting begins when the words stop
I cannot say much about my paintings if not that they come from a vision -something I see
and therefore I paint
Often the visions come from reading poetry
I do not know why I see what I see That's why I paint To let other see What I see..and from their vision and words...very often I can understand better what I paint.
So please feel free of commenting!


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